Smart Beta is an investment strategy in the global stock market based on a risk factor approach. The idea of this approach is that the properties of an asset can be broken down into subcomponents - risk factors. Their sum provides the final characteristics of an asset.
Read moreThe strategy uses the following set of factors united by a common theme: Sentiment, Value, Quality, Momentum, Volatility, Size. For each set of factors, there are quantitative descriptors, for example, for the Sentiment theme, a number of parameters are used, such as: EPS Estimates (analysts' estimates of company profitability and change of this indicator over time), Estimates Deviation (standard deviation of these estimates), Surprise (actual indicators exceed predictive) and so on.
Read moreThe value of the strategy lies in the fact that these factors in the long run beat market indices in terms of risk-return, and also have a low correlation to market indices and to each other. Thus, the combination of these factors in a single model provides an additional increase in the efficiency of investments.
Read more/a>Back testing of the strategy has been produced since the beginning of 1999. When targeting a 10% risk level (10% annual volatility), we get an average return of more than 15% in USD. Detailed results are shown below.
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Currently management companies and investment product suppliers do not offer active Smart Beta strategies for retail customers. Others have a high entry ticket ($1M) and high transaction costs for attracting and servicing clients. This results in high commissions regardless of the investment outcome.
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Action plan for a potential investor is the following:
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The proposed investment strategies, such as Smart Beta, Pure Alpha, P2P loan portfolio are based on years of research and development of our team, have a long track record and outstanding risk-return characteristics, and presented for the first time in the Russian market for retail clients. Our priority is to find and select the most promising and profitable strategies for creating an investment portfolio.