Pure Alpha is a global stock market investing strategy based on a risk factor approach similar to Smart Beta.
Read moreUsing the fundamental data ranking of Smart Beta systems (see the corresponding section) the securities applicable for Pure Alpha algorithms are filtered. Further, the change in individual rankings is calculated for each security by special algorithms. The size and sign of the position of the respective asset is determined to capture the maximum future return considering the risk and reliability of the system.
Read morePure Alpha portfolios show performance of up to 2x Sharpe ratio (market index averages 0.7x Sharp). For the investor, this means 15-20% yield with 10% volatility, regardless of the conditions in the stock market.
Read morePure Alpha systems have passed the testing stages and started the track record on the accounts of individual clients. Data is provided after the NDA signing.
In contrast to the traditional algorithmic trading, alpha signals are defined by more informative fundamental data of companies, not just by the stock price. In Big Data this allows you to achieve 2-3 times better investment results.
Read moreThe system is a long-term investment strategy in contrast to short-term speculative trading. Rebalancing of the portfolio occurs once a week.
It allows you to get 15-20% return in USD with very moderate risks (10% volatility whereas market volatility is 20%) regardless of the market conditions.
Action plan for a potential investor is the following:
Read moreThe proposed investment strategies, such as Smart Beta, Pure Alpha, P2P loan portfolio are based on years of research and development of our team, have a long track record and outstanding risk-return characteristics, and presented for the first time in the Russian market for retail clients. Our priority is to find and select the most promising and profitable strategies for creating an investment portfolio.